domingo, 7 de enero de 2007

Why Body Acne is Harder to Treat Than Facial Acne

Suffering from acne can be a lonely feeling, seeming as if you are the only one going through with it. But millions of people all over the world suffer with the same problem. Suffering from facial acne is already hard enough but the worst part is when it spreads through out the body making it even harder to treat. Trying to treat acne that is on your back is difficult because of the skin’s thickness.

The back has thousands of sebaceous glands that are producing lots of oil, making acne more severe. Around puberty back acne starts to form aggressively. When the male hormone group is active it stimulates the sebaceous glands causing it to produce an extra amount of sebum. Just below the surface of the skin the sebaceous glands are situated. Oil is produced continuously by sebaceous glands through the openings of the skin (known as pores).

Using the facial acne treatment on your body would not be that effective because of the skin’s toughness. Your skin may be very sensitive so you’d probably want to refrain from carrying things on your back such as a backpack.

Bacteria can cause the surrounding tissues to become inflamed causing acne to then be formed. Each person responds differently to bacteria buildup and overproduction of sebum. What you eat can also have an effect on your body causing your skin to breakout.

Acne can be very annoying and very irritating, causing us to feel uncomfortable in public areas. In the summer one is prevented from wearing swimsuits, tang tops and the like. Whenever we have bumps and bruises on our body we don’t feel comfortable wearing anything that will expose too much of our skin, believing that we will draw too much unwanted attention. No one wants to spend their summer covered in long sleeves and pants or staying in the house for that matter.

Finding the right treatment can be an exhausting time-consuming task. And taking medication can leave you with side effects. When searching for acne products you should know that all acne is not the same and needs to be treated in different manners.

It is not just teens that are suffering from body acne – adults are dealing with it to. Some adults may not experience acne until they reach their thirties.

Studies show that 75% of those who suffer from acne on the face experience it on other parts of the body.

90% of the people suffering from acne have it on their chest and back.

Very few acne sufferers use acne treatments to treat their symptoms. Only 5% use treatments for acne.

95% percent of the people are ashamed to go out in public.

I can understand wanting to stay out of the public eye. I’ve experienced bumps all over my body when I was in the seventh grade. It was scary looking. My father thought I had the measles. We went to go to see the doctor and he wasn’t quite sure what it was. It was kind of strange because it was all over my body but my face was still clear. Three weeks later it cleared up but I still had marks from where the bumps were.

We should not allow these kinds of things get us down. As long as we are breathing we should all be able to enjoy life.

Source: Andre Hollinshed