domingo, 7 de enero de 2007

What You Need To Know About Celiac Disease

I have Celiac Disease and have been able to manage it quite well by following a strict gluten free diet. Once you get into the routine of checking foods, it becomes almost second nature.

Celiac Disease is a digestive disorder that causes damage to the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food.

The main cause of Celiac Disease is the abnormal reaction in the body to the nutrient, gluten. Gluten is present in many foods and can be found in wheat products and grains such as rye, barley and oats.

Some other names for Celiac Disease are Coeliac Disease, Coeliac Sprue and more commonly, Gluten Intolerance.

The development of this condition is unknown but it has been strongly suggested that it could be due to: – A genetic susceptibility to the illness – Stress – Pregnancy – Exposure to gluten as a child

If you suspect that you or someone in your family has developed Celiac Disease, the symptoms include: – Anaemia – Cramps – Chronic Diarrhoea – Weight Loss – Fatigue – Bloating

Symptoms can be wildly different from one person to another, and some celiac sufferers don't have any symptoms at all. The best way to know for sure is by getting tested.

Until recently physicians had to rely on clinical signs to suggest the diagnosis and to select which patients should have further investigation to prove the diagnosis. Since these signs may be vague and difficult to spot, simple blood screening tests are becoming available to help this process.

Another method used to diagnose Celiac Disease is using celiac tests. These home tests are available from chemists and online shops and can give a quick and accurate diagnosis without going to the doctors.

However, the most effective method is using a bowel biopsy. This biopsy is conducted by a professional in the gastrointestinal field.

Unfortunately, if you are diagnosed with Celiac Disease there is no known cure. The only solution is a strict adherence to a gluten free diet.

Sufferers need to be vigilant about the foods they buy at supermarkets at restaurants to avoid gluten. They should always read the labels when shopping for food as gluten is present in many foods. Some examples are soups, luncheon meats and sausages from the supermarkets.

The good news is that it is very possible to lead a happy, normal life even if you sufferer from Celiac Disease. The solution is to stay away from gluten by following a strict gluten free diet.

Source: Sam Chim